Thursday, 20 September 2012

American Film History

What Makes An American Film?
- Its all to do with the production companies that make the film, for example, Harry Potter was made in Britain but under an American company so it can be considered an American-British film.Yes, the author was British and set her books in Britain, but she didn't have that much to do with the making of the films. She simply supplied the source material.

American Film Industry
- The Origins of the American Film IndustryThe origins and development of the American film industry are the period from 1895 to 1930.During this time the emerging industry developed into an important popular medium, organised into clearly defined exhibition, production, and distribution elements

- The Studio Era is the period from 1930 to 1949. By 1930 the American film industry was dominated by five companies known as the ‘Majors’ or the ‘Big Five. The Big Five owned the production studios, the distribution companies, and most of the cinemas in the US. Furthermore, the amount of cinemas situated around america had grown tenfold overnight.

-The End of the Studio Era, In 1949 the major studios were forced to sell off the cinema chains that they owned by the US government.The American film industry declined further in the 1950s due to the rise of television.It wasn’t until the late 1980s that Hollywood studios fully recovered.

- This graph shows us how revennue of america cinema has grown. we can clearly see that from 2006 to 2010 the ox office revenue has grown by 6.3 billion dollars internationally and 1.4 illion dollars in the united states and canada.

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